Online Alarm Clock
Online Alarm Clock is a web tool designed with the practical aim of helping users organize their time and their agendas. Here you can set alarms for events, check the world clock to confirm the time differences between the world’s major cities, time your activities, and access an online manual counter.
You can also customize the features with distinct alarm sounds and highlight each event with different colors. Explore all the available options to find the tool you need and that suits your purpose the best.
How to use the online alarm clock
To set this free online alarm clock you can select one of the above shortcuts for an exact hour or click on the button Set Alarm to define a specific hour and minutes. In both cases, a pop-up will show up asking you to name the alarm, choose an alarm sound, and set a color for the event. You can either customize all the options to your liking or continue with the default settings. Make sure you choose a sound that will catch your attention. You have several options that make this the perfect alarm clock for heavy sleepers. Click on “Test” if you wish to preview the alarm and confirm its sound and volume. Once the set time comes, an alarm message will appear and you will hear the alarm sound you have chosen.
On the top right corner of the page, you can access the online alarm clock settings. Here you can configure the alarm clock by choosing the color of the numbers, their font, if you want to see the date, and if you want to use the 24-hour format or not. In this menu, you also have the option to use this loud alarm clock with dark mode or with the brighter version.
Most popular alarm times
Alarm for 4:00 | Alarm for 4:30
Alarm for 5:00 | Alarm for 5:30 | Alarm for 5:45
Alarm for 6:00 | Alarm for 6:15 | Alarm for 6:30 | Alarm for 6:45
Alarm for 7:00 | Alarm for 7:15 | Alarm for 7:30 | Alarm for 7:45
Alarm for 8:00 | Alarm for 8:15 | Alarm for 8:30
Alarm for 9:00 | Alarm for 9:30
On alarm clocks
An alarm clock combines the function of a clock with a warning device to alert people when a certain time has come. The warning device - the alarm - has taken different shapes throughout history. However, they normally rely on a system of vibration, sound, or visual display.
The alarm clocks have two main functions: to awaken people from their sleep and to work as a reminder to signal a certain event or activity.
The origins of the first alarm clocks are still unknown, but there are reports of the existence of primitive devices with a similar role already back to the centuries BC. A notable example is that of Plato, in ancient Greece. It is said that the philosopher had a large water clock with an embedded unspecified alarm system that would make the water sound like an organ. This fact is yet unconfirmed. The reason behind the alarm is also unknown, but it is believed that it was a device set to signal the beginning of his lectures at dawn.
In the following centuries, alarm clocks were mostly used by religious institutions to announce the time for prayers or other community events. There are reports of individual (successful) attempts of making personal devices but they were far apart and were never patented or for sale.
The first user-settable alarm clock that we could today recognize as such was first patented in 1847 by a French inventor. Since then, the devices have not stopped evolving. Radio was the first extra feature added to them, then cassette players followed by CD, iPod, and Bluetooth players, etc.
Nowadays, alarm clocks are available on computers, mobile phones, watches, and radio and clock devices, proving the important role that came to take on our daily routines.
About My Alarm Clock
My Alarm Clock is a platform that offers users several utility tools related to or dealing directly with time.
On our website, users will find customizable alarm clocks that they can easily set to receive a warning when a specific time arrives. In our Time section, they can also set their timezone as one of a specific city and compare the difference between different world time zones, the amount of day time each has, and even check the main radio stations for the region.
My Alarm Clock further provides time counters, including a customizable stopwatch to count laps and elapsed time, and a countdown timer, which is useful to take control of the time and set restrictive time goals.
For sports aficionados or users who are simply a bit more competitive, My Alarm Clock also offers a simple clickable online counter and an online scoreboard that can be customizable to specific sports such as basketball, tennis, hockey, and volleyball, among others.
A variety of online time calculators is available in the hopes of covering any situation that may require dealing with time from a more “numerical” standpoint. As such, the users have at their disposal a time duration calculator that finds how much time is between two dates, a math time calculator to add, subtract, divide and multiply time units, and many others.
Two converters are also available: a military time converter to regular time and a time units converter.
To further help users working freelance or by the hour, My Alarm Clock also offers a Time Card Calculator with customizable pay rates, overtime, breaks, and weekly hours to effortlessly keep track of their payrolls.
Other features that we provide include a dark mode, full-screen, and widgets of our tools, to be added to other web pages.
Have fun exploring all our utility tools. We hope you will find what you need!

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